Thursday, June 28, 2012

Just Plain Cute

I realize I should have held the phone the other direction, so next time I'll get it right and you won't have to cran you neck :)

Playing in the crib

Messy dinner - guess who's been teaching her that trick??

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Eight Months Old

Momma's feeling a little under the weather here, but very happy to celebrate
Chloe's 8th month!  Fun things happening this month - standing at the music table and pressing all the buttons, sitting around playing with all my shape toys and books, another new bottom tooth (June 2) with a couple more on the way, lots of big, big smiles and sounds of happiness. Yes indeed, life is good :)

More Family Photos

Finally loaded these pictures from mid-May off my phone - much easier now that I figured out Google+. 

Rare to have one with all three of us!

Last bottle at the airport...

Checking out the garden

Paddy-Cake at Carlito's

This girl's got some legs!

Melear cousins Brynlee and Bryce visiting Savannah

Monday, June 4, 2012

Stepping back a moment...

These beautiful photos were taken April 5th, just before Chloe turned 6 months old.  Our wonderful Green River friends Vickie and Bette came for a visit and to meet little C.  How honored we are for Vickie to share her great talent for photography with us!  Thanks so much, Vic!

Bath time!

Brody, watching for our return...

Jen, Vickie and Bette - a very happy GRP reunion!!
Thanks so much for coming to visit :)